Mario A. González
Born and raised in Mexico.
Award-insisting artist and writer of the webcomics Wyliman, Clink and the graphic novel Nihil Negativum. Collaborated on anthologies such as The Hero Initiative, Panels for Primates (published as well on Act-I-Vate) and Pile Driver, all stories written by Troy Wilson.
Inked the comic Calla Cthulhu (Stela/Dark Horse Comics), written by Evan Dorkin & Sarah Dyer and illustrated by Erin Humsiton. Formerly assisted artist Anton Emdin, inking and grey toning the children’s book series Ninja Kid (Scholastic), created by Anh Do, which, as of book 15, I’m currently doing the full illustration work for. And inker of artist Jimena Sarquiz on the books War of the Worlds: Unicorns vs Mermaids (Capstone) and Florecent (Chispa Comics.)
Been actively lettering comics for different NYC departments such as the Center for Urban Environmental Reform (Mayah’s Lot & Bina’s Plant), the New York Science Museum (Transmissions: Gone Viral) and the NY Department of Census (Why the U.S. Census Matters).
When not doing comics, I’m taking care of my two cats, and constantly failing to try and speedrun video games in front of people for their embarrassment.